Sunshine: more than a quick jolt of vitamin D

I loved this book. LOVED IT. When I first started reading, I didn’t like it because the sentences seemed choppy. Then I got into the groove of her prose and I was totally and utterly sucked in. Sunshine’s world is not what it first seems. It’s much more dark and twisted than she first let’s on. I love the way the author slowly let’s you in on what’s going on, revealing little bits at a time. This is not just a story about a normal woman who gets kidnapped by vampires. You learn about her world, while she learns her true strength.

There are hot, mysterious vampires, there are bland people, there are highly abnormal people who seem normal, and there are deadly, nasty vampires who are terrifying and insidious. There is baking and all the comfort and security that come with working dough and creating warm delights. Sunshine mulls over cinnamon roll dough- the smell of it, the feel of it in her hand, and suddenly she needs to take up a weapon because a vampire has strayed into their protected little world. It’s fast and bloody, then slow and mysterious again. Where else can you combine the romance of baking with kicking some vampire ass?

You will want to read all night. During the day you will have the urge to find a sunny spot and absorb as much warmth as you can. Then when it is all over, you will search for more, only to find the author’s other books are fairy tales, which, after the being caught up in the deadly, wicked, bloody warm donut of Sunshine’s world, will sound completely unsatisfying. Alas, you will be yet another fan, moaning on the internet about the lack of a sequel and wondering if enough time has elapsed before you can start reading it again.
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