Twilight: Holy land or holy crap?

This is THE ONE that started it all. The quintessential vampire book. The touchstone for most readers of the paranormal. Do you love it? Did you sneak in to book release parties at midnight behind all the swooning teens hoping you wouldn't be spotted by other PTA parents? Or do you hate it? Did you gag at the corny dialog and roll your eyes repeatedly at the damsel in distress?

I fell somewhere in the middle. I like the idea of the mysterious family living amongst their prey. I liked the struggle, the need to fit in, the fascination Bella has with them. But her need to be rescued all. the. time? Not so much.

I didn't like the writing much, but I will admit, it gets better as the series goes on. I can see why people stop reading after the first book, wholly unimpressed by the phenomenon. But that would be a shame, because the story becomes much more worth the effort as it continues on into the other books.

Also? I am a sucker for packaging. These books have brilliant covers. I love them and would read them for those alone. (the original covers- not the photos taken from the movie like they have now) Before I knew what they were, I would stop and pet the cover with the tulip on the front. Finding out there were vampires behind those covers? Well that just made my day.
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